The Laws - Domestic Violence
Legal Services
The Office of Domestic Violence contracts with the Florida Domestic Violence Collaborative to provide legal representation and services to victims of domestic, dating, and sexual violence, and stalking. Services provided include: consultations, referrals, representation at final hearings for civil Injunctions for Protection, and representation in matters related to housing, public benefits, and credit repair.
Legal Clearinghouse Project
The Legal Clearinghouse Project began in 1997 as a pilot program, the first in the country, to provide legal representation to victims of domestic violence at final hearings for civil Injunctions for Protection Against Domestic Violence, and to provide legal advice and consultation to victims. DVP subcontracts with legal services and legal aid providers (Clearinghouse Attorneys), who accept client referrals from Florida's certified domestic violence centers and other agencies throughout the state. The project has since expanded to include providing representation to victims of domestic dating, and sexual violence and stalking in civil injunction proceedings, as well as in housing, public benefits and credit repair matters. DVP also provides training and technical assistance to its Clearinghouse Attorneys.
Legal Resources
Confidentiality & Privilege Laws
Florida's Legal Rights for Victims English
Florida's Legal Rights for Victims Spanish
Florida's Legal Rights for Victims Creole
Florida's Domestic Violence Benchbook 2014
For Advocates & Attorneys on Interpretation Services for Domestic Violence Victims
TEL: 1-800-500-1119, Ext. 3
TTY: 711 or 1-800-955-8771
Out of Florida callers dial:
TEL: 1-850-385-0611
Domestic Violence Legal Hotline
Provides free legal advice and referrals to victims of domestic, dating and sexual violence and stalking regarding injunctions for protection, family law, housing, immigration and other civil legal matters. Non-English speaking hotline callers have access to language interpreters.
DCF DVP contracts with Florida Legal Services, Inc. to operate the Domestic Violence Legal Hotline to provide free legal advice and referrals to victims of domestic, dating and sexual violence and stalking regarding injunctions for protection, family law, housing, immigration and other civil legal matters. Non-English speaking hotline callers have access to language interpreters.