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Frequently Asked Questions for Clearinghouse

    Who qualifies as a “care provider” under the Clearinghouse?

    A person has applied to volunteer, obtain employment or licensure, or enter into a contract that requires a state and national fingerprint-based criminal history check (Section 435.12, F.S.) with a program regulated by one of the State agencies participating in the Clearinghouse.

    A person must complete the following for a Clearinghouse Screening:

    • Undergo Level 2 screening and have fingerprints retained by FDLE and (done by FDLE)
    • Have a photograph taken at the time of screening, and (done by the live scan vendor)
    • Sign a privacy policy (done by provider)
    What benefit(s) do I (the provider) get from employees being part of the Clearinghouse?
    • Reduced background screening costs

      If an applicant has already been screened through the Clearinghouse, providers can request a free Agency Review through the Clearinghouse Results Portal, thereby avoiding the initial cost of fingerprinting new applicants; if the individual was screened through the Clearinghouse but has had a 90-day lapse in employment, the provider is only required to pay for a new national criminal history check (currently $16.50) through the Clearinghouse Results Portal.

    • Immediate arrest notifications

      When providers screen an individual through the Clearinghouse, the system retains the person’s fingerprints, allowing the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to notify the State agency if the person is arrested after their screening. The State agency reviews the person’s arrest charge(s), makes a new eligibility decision, and notifies the provider via email to check the Clearinghouse Results Portal for the person’s new eligibility.

    The benefit of the Clearinghouse is for persons who would otherwise have duplicate criminal record checks. Providers will save on criminal history checks by using the Clearinghouse if the applicant/individual undergoing screening:

    • Changes employment (e.g., works for a day care center and moves to a nursing home)
    • Must have two checks (e.g., licensing and employment or licensing and Medicaid)
    • Leaves employment and returns after 90 days (this will require a national check only)
    • Is continuously employed for 5 years and needs a re-check
    • Volunteers or works with multiple with these agencies/populations.
    Why do I have to Initiate a Screening in the Clearinghouse prior to sending an applicant for fingerprinting?

    It is required that you initiate each new screening on the Clearinghouse Results Website here: Clearinghouse Results Website AHCA Portal Login.

    By initiating screenings, you will not only receive email notifications once the results are available, but you will also be notified if the applicant is subsequently arrested and/or has an eligibility status change.

    What is a 'Clearinghouse Renewal?'

    Florida Statute requires care providers to undergo another criminal history check once every five years from the date of the retention of their fingerprints. The process of extending the retention is called a ‘Clearinghouse Renewal.’

    What is a 'Retained Print' (RP)?

    The term, 'Retained Prints' (RP) refers to the fingerprints that FDLE retains when an individual undergoing screening agrees to make their background information shareable among the seven State Agencies specified by section 435.12, Florida Statutes to participate in the Clearinghouse. Fingerprints began being retained January 1, 2013.

    What is the 'Retained Prints expiration date?'

    The Retained Prints (RP) expiration date refers to the calendar day that FDLE will purge the prints from their storage if the employee does not have a Clearinghouse Renewal requested. Prints are retained for 5 years unless they are renewed or purged. Once the prints have been purged, there is no grace period, and the employee will have to undergo a new screening. The retained prints expiration date is located on the Person Profile page above the Eligibility section.

    It is imperative that the employer adds all current employees to their Employee/Contractor Roster to receive important notifications including Arrest notifications and Expiring Retained prints notifications.

    How does the provider request a renewal screening?

    A Clearinghouse Renewal can be initiated and paid for through the Clearinghouse Results Website.

    My employee's eligibility determination date is not 5 years old so why am I receiving notification of their prints expiring?

    The eligibility determination date is the date of the last eligibility determination made for the individual in the Clearinghouse. The Retained Fingerprints expiration date is the day the fingerprints will no longer be retained by FDLE. The two dates can differ by as much as 5 years, depending on the number of screenings received from individual providers. The Retained Fingerprints expiration date can only be changed by either a Clearinghouse Renewal or a brand-new screening and is the date used in determining when a new screening is required.

    What's the difference between a renewal and a resubmission?

    A resubmission is the process of running a new national criminal history check for the purpose of having an updated screening for those individuals with a lapse of employment greater than 90 days. The resubmission screening does NOT extend the RP expiration date.