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Exemptions from Introductory Training

Child Care Standards

Florida Statutes, s.402.305 (2) allows exemption from some of the required child care training based on educational credentials or passage of competency examinations.

Educational Exemptions


Health, Safety and Nutrition
(8 hours)

Child Growth and Development
(6 hours)

Behavioral Observation and Screening
(6 hours)

Understanding Developmentally Appropriate Practices
(5 hours)

Infant and Toddler Appropriate Practice
(5 hours)

Preschool Appropriate Practice
(5 hours)

School-Age Appropriate Practice
(5 hours)

Special Needs Appropriate Practice
(10 hours)

Active Birth Through Five or School-Age (FCCPC) or National Early Childhood (NECC) Credential


Associates Degree or Higher with 6 college credit hours in early childhood/ child growth and development


Bachelor’s degree or higher in Early Childhood Education or Preschool Education


Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with certification to teach any age birth through 6th grade


Bachelor’s degree or higher in Elementary Education


Bachelor’s degree or higher in Exceptional Student Education


Competency Exam Exemptions

Child care personnel have one opportunity to be exempted from one or more of the courses listed below prior to attending the training by passing the competency exam associated with the course. If the individual fails the competency exam, they must complete the course offered by a state-approved trainer or online before attempting to pass the competency exam again.

  • Family Child Care Home Rules and Regulations (6 hours)
  • Child Care Facility Rules and Regulations (6 hours)
  • Health Safety and Nutrition (8 hours)
  • Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (4 hours)
  • Child Growth and Development (6 hours)
  • Behavioral Observation and Screening (6 hours)
  • Understanding Developmentally Appropriate Practice (5 hours)
  • Infant and Toddler Appropriate Practice (5 hours)
  • Preschool Appropriate Practice (5 hours)
  • School-Age Appropriate Practice (5 hours)
  • Special Needs Appropriate Practice (10 hours)


Important Links


Child Care Competency Exam Fact Sheet (English) (Spanish) includes important information about competency exams including scheduling, costs and payments, cancellation policies, required forms of identification, and special accommodations.

Registration for child care exemption exams must be made through the Child Care Training Information Center at Florida Early Childhood Professional Development Registry (