Aftercare Services
The Aftercare program is a temporary program intended to provide you with a safety net. Services are designed to help you transition either to independence or to help you become eligible for Extended Foster Care (EFC), Post-Secondary Education Supports and Services (PESS), Extended Maintenance Adoption Subsidy (EMAS) or Extended Guardianship Assistance Program (EGAP).
Services Can Include
- Mentoring or tutoring
- Mental Health Services
- Substance abuse counseling
- Life skills classes
- Parenting classes
- Job and Career skills training
- Counselor consultations
- Temporary financial assistance
- Financial literacy skills training
- Emergency financial assistance (If you are in PESS only)
Eligibility Requirements:
- Turned 18 while in the legal custody of the Department OR spent at least 6 months in out of home care after turning 14 years old and were not reunified with a parent/guardian.
- Resident of the State of Florida
- Applied for services before your 23rd birthday:
- Completed an Application for Aftercare Services
- Completed an Aftercare Services Plan which is reassessed every 90 days
Eligibility Ends:
- You have turned 23 years of age
- You are not meeting the requirements in your Aftercare Services Plan
- You have established eligibility and applied for EFC, PESS, EGAP or EMAS.
For More Information
For questions regarding eligibility visit:
- Florida’s Independent Living Resource Center, serves as an information clearinghouse to address all areas of Independent Living Services
- 1-844-ILYOUTH ((844) 459-6884)