North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center Communicating With A Resident
We believe that it is important for our residents to be able to communicate with family and friends while they are at the Center.
Letters should be addressed to the individual resident. Our address is:
1200 NE. 55th Blvd.
Gainesville, FL 32641-2759
We do not routinely open mail addressed to Residents, but all mail is screened for contraband. If it contains contraband, or is too thick to be screened, the Resident will be asked to open the mail in the presence of staff. If contraband is inside, it will be confiscated. This can cause the Resident to lose privileges and could result in criminal charges. If the letter contains money, the money will be deposited in the Resident's account for his use.
We have telephones available for our residents to use. Local calls may be made free of charge. Phones are also available for making collect calls. Residents may purchase telephone calling cards to make long distance calls (must be purchased at NFETC).
There are phones available for residents to report any abuse or alleged abuse.
Residents may not receive incoming calls. If there is an urgent need to talk with a resident, a message can be left with Information Services staff. The phone number is (352) 375-8484, Ext. 220.
Please remember that a Resident may choose not to return a call. We guarantee that all messages left for residents will be delivered to them.
The resident's Counselor may be contacted by leaving a message with Information Services staff.