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Economic Self Sufficiency Forms

For a complete listing of DCF forms visit:

Application Forms

The quickest way to apply for Government Assistance is online through the MyACCESS portal. Individuals can also make changes, apply for additional assistance, check case status and more using the MyACCESS Portal. If you are unable to apply online and need a paper application, please use the forms below. Please note that only one application is needed, whether you apply online through the MyACCESS portal or use a paper application below. 

General Program Forms

Food Assistance Program Forms

Temporary Cash Assistance Program Forms

Medicaid Program Forms

Completed forms can be uploaded to your MyACCESS account. Completed forms and/or paper applications may also be mailed to the ACCESS Central Mail Center, P.O. Box 1770, Ocala, FL, 34478-1770, faxed to 1-866-886-4342, or hand-delivered to a Family Resource Center. Please note, the quickest way to apply for government assistance or submit forms is through the MyACCESS portal.