Baker Act Online Training Courses
The Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association (FADAA) Learning Management System for Behavioral Health is now available at This learning management system replaces the system previously operated by the Florida Certification Board. If individuals were registered in that system, their training records have been completely transferred to this new platform and they can access their training records and training events by using the same credentials.
Introduction to Baker Act
Revised effective 08/17/16
This course provides a general introduction to the fundamental issues surrounding the voluntary and involuntary aspects of the Baker Act. It also provides an overview of Patient Rights.
Minors and the Baker Act
Revised effective 12/21/16
The Florida Legislature established guiding principles for the development and implementation of publicly funded mental health services for children and adolescents. This course is designed to assist mental health professionals better understand their roles and responsibilities with regard to the service and treatment of minors.
Emergency Medical Treatment: Florida's Baker Act and Marchman Act
Developed for Emergency Room staff but available to anyone interested in taking this course.
Guardian Advocate and the Baker Act
The purpose of this course is to help individuals who serve as guardian advocates better understand their roles and responsibilities under the Baker Act.
Webinar Presentation by Kevin Huckshorn "Preventing Violence, Trauma and the Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Mental Health Settings" (Recorded Webinar)
Seclusion and restraint is authorized only in emergency situations when necessary to prevent an individual from seriously injuring self or others, and less restrictive techniques have been tried and failed, or if it has been clinically determined that the danger is of such immediacy that less restrictive techniques cannot be safely applied. This training is designed to help mental health professionals better understand their roles and responsibilities as they relate to seclusion and restraint.
Webinar Presentation by Gayle Bluebird