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Get Help - Find Local Services

Find Local Services by County

If you or someone you know is in need of substance abuse and/or mental health services, our local managing entities can help you locate available programs. 

Find a managing entity contact in your area.

Find Local Services By County

Managing Entities

Florida's publicly funded treatment services are managed at the local level by Managing Entities (MEs). The local ME will be able to assist with finding treatment services available in your area. To locate contact information and counties served for each ME please visit the Managing Entities page

Personal Stories: The Impact of Treatment

Have you ever wondered what treatment is like?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program Office continues to support the journey of recovery by presenting  
 Personal Stories.

Substance Abuse Providers Currently Licensed by the Department

If you are looking for services or confirming if a provider is licensed by the Department, please use the following listing, as it will be updated daily: